"The Olden Days"

Black Horse Arts

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    "What was it like in the 'Olden'  days DaaaaaDy?  Well, here's a Good look kids!  Though you may see alot of older pictures that are in Black and White here, I can Assure you this was NOT during the Civil War OK?  And don't let the uniforms fool Ya either.  It was just "Cool" those days!  LOL

In the top two pictures you can see Wes Steiner ( My Best boyhood Friend ) in the foreground and then myself in the back ground, then the next picture is an Exact Opposite.

The First real band I was in.

         Second picture down is the cover to our very first album called;  "Peace Amoungst Brothers"  Wes is dressed as a Union Soldier, while I am dress as Confederate Soldier.
      Then there's the popular Band sitting on a car photo to the left.  And at the very bottom is "Adrian"  ( That's Me ) .....Up A Tree!
     The band members were:
Scot Westlake     Guitar, lead singer
Wes Steiner        Guitar, background singer
Brian Buttoff     Sax, and Bass
Rylan Mills        Drums
Doug Cook  ( Red Wolf )  Sound man and Rowdy

"Gentle Winds"
The Band! "Gentle Winds"

      This Folks Was & sometimes still is The Band!  "Gentle Winds" by name and we played Anywhere and Everywhere we could!  For money or for Free!  Left to right;
David Harrison     Bass guitar, Harmony vocals
Joe DeShane         Rythum and Lead guitar, lead and backup singer
Scot Westlake       Rythum guitar, and lead vocal
Doug Cook            Sound Man & Roady

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